Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New Item

I added a little gadget to my "sidebar".

We play this little game with the kids at dinner called "Highs & lows".

One of us starts by asking: "What was the best part of your day?" and then,

"What was the worse part?" We go around the table asking everyone.

It's a great way find out what happened to everyone, celebrate the good, and sympathize with the bad.

Leave your Highs & lows in the "fabulous comments"!

*my favorite: a couple of months ago, when Bea was realizing that she wanted to be included in the game, her response to "What was the best part of your day?" she said: "I laughed" too cute.

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Connie Jahnke Long said... Best Blogger Tips

This is such an awesome idea. Keep it up. This is something the kids will remember forever.

Kathie Sites said... Best Blogger Tips

hey sarah,
my high today was going to work (learning my new job)
my low was going to work (knowing that summer break is officially over).


Connie Jahnke Long said... Best Blogger Tips

My low today was finding out that my little group of friends won't be able to get together and play beach volleyball.

My high today was when I was asked to join the larger group for volleyball tonight. Don't know very many of them but that's ok. At least I get to play!

Connie :)

Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips

From yesterday...

High: Getting a check from the nasty client I had a month or so ago. I was really nervous that he'd hold back payment.

Low: Going to bed by myself. Kyle in in Columbus and it always takes me forever to fall asleep when he's gone. Plus...it was cold! (I had to get up and put on socks.)

Oh, by the way. Your saftey pin the sock idea is great!!