Sunday, May 22, 2011

Goodwill Tank Top Up-cycle

Last month while at my brothers for Angle Family Fun Day, my friend in-law Shannon and I went into town to check out the local Goodwill.

We found a couple of great things, one being this tank top I couldn't leave behind:

To little for Elizabeth, to big for Isabelle...
Don't you just love the way she's being so modest?
I decided to turn it into a little dress for her.

First, I cut the straps at the half-way mark.

Serged them up, so they don't ravel when I wash it.

Took in the sides a little with my serger.  Just cut off the old seam, and made a new one.

Tied up the straps at her shoulder, and bingo! a new dress for summer.  It does not look it in the photo, but is seems a little short on her, but I thought a little pair of brown capri leggings would look really cute with it.

Two bucks and five minutes? My kind of up-cycle!

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