Wednesday, December 7, 2011

He's Getting Bigger...

Jackson is learning all kinds of new things lately.  Helpful things really.

He has started putting on his pajamas. All by himself... WOO HOO! Does a great job too.

He's figured out how to get water out of the fridge, with or without ice. Minimal spillage.

His verbal skill have always been advanced, ( in my opinion) but wow.. you should hear him talk. He uses "maybe" and "probably" appropriately. Understands everything.

He can reach all the light switches. Also handy.

He's starting into the swing of the potty training thing. For several weeks now, I've been talking to him about going to the bathroom in the toilet, and when he turns three on his birthday (12/14) he's going to wear "big boy undies". Yesterday, since we were going to stay home in the morning, I asked him if he wanted to wear his undies. To which he replied: "It's my BIRTHDAY??!!"   So smart.  So ready for him to wear underwear.

I'm not sure I'm quite ready for this though:

And yes, the guard was on the razor.  He did a fine job!

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Leticia said... Best Blogger Tips

Hmmm, and do I see that that handy little magnetic clip you got from church is a picture holder instead of a Sunday school paper holder?! *gasp* We've got five if you need some more! ;) JK!

Sarah said... Best Blogger Tips

Leticia: Under the photo are church bulletins with my notes from the sermon.. so I can read them in the morning and think about them throughout the day... don't worry. I have 2 others on my fridge.. :)