Monday, February 16, 2009

It's Been A Busy Few Days....

After several days of not accomplishing anything... I got some projects completed. The family calendar is copied, bound and mailed. Ten good months is better than nuthin'.

Jackson's birth announcements are finally mailed.... Didn't Elizabeth over at Portraits by Kimberly do a FABULOUS job? I just love the way they turned out. Kimberly's photos were too hard to choose from. As always.

Sugar Booger came home. Boy did we miss her!

We watched my nephew Wesley play basketball. That's him, on the free throw line. Totally swished it. I have a hard time believing that he is fourteen already. (he thinks I'm old. hee hee)

Great Aunt Fern came to see us. And so did Grandpa & Grandma, Uncle Reyn & Aunt Marilyn, Uncle Larry & Aunt Pam. We had a great dinner with my cousin, Lee and his wife, Josie. I'm willing to call her my cousin too... Thanks for the delicious shrimp!

Elle made all of us Valentine bags. She filled them with candy she found around the house. Too funny. We got the kids an electric pencil sharpener. The arguments we have at homework time about pencils are unbelievable.

Ryan purchased these for me. LG front load washer and dryer in the prettiest shade of blue.

Jack turned two months! He is 13lbs, 4 oz. and 23 3/4" inches long.

He coos, and smiles when we talk to him. He just loves it when the other kids talk to him. And bath time is his favorite. He is filling out so nicely. His cheeks are full and his thighs are getting rolls!

My niece, Miss Lena had her second birthday. I've been scoping out the shoes for her... or maybe a tutu... Just kidding Kasey!

And my nephew, Hunter turned four. Or five. He's not sure. Being an Auntie is the best!

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islandgirl said... Best Blogger Tips

my goodness, you are making me feel lazy....I will make up for it tomorrow