Thursday, August 21, 2008

Budding Genius

You know how some parents have great aspirations for their children? I don't. Never really even thought about it much. I've only really ever wanted 3 things for them,
1. Strong Faith.
2. Compassion.
3. Integrity.
ok, maybe 4.
I want them to have their OWN aspirations. But this boy of ours. I think he may be a budding photographer. He nabbed my camera the last day at camp, and look at the great shots he got. They are better than mine!

Camp coordinator. Taken by the young man himself.

His new friend.

One of his counselors. But look, all in focus, the subject is in the center, flash is good....

As for subject matter.... he's 6.

Interesting light/shadows yes?

He's seen far to many tropical vacation photos to know better than to pass by a beautiful plant...

I think it is interesting how he's made the suitcase perfectly horizontal in the photo...

And this... he took for his Papa. Not his best shot, but his intention was good.

Probably should have taken the straw wrapper out of the was his first day.

As for this one...well. He was tired. And hungry. And wanted to sit on his Mom's disappearing lap... But isn't the lighting good??

Do you offer summer camps Kim?

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