Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Week Before...

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009
It's the most Wonderful Day of the Year!
I have a few gifts left to wrap, finish up the food for tonight, a wee bit of house cleaning, and for the first time ever, I am making a birthday cake for Jesus. Red Velvet of course. The menu for tonight; to start: wine. cheese/meat/olive/pickle tray, sausage sandwiches, ham/pickle/cream cheese things, main course: ham, garlic mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, corn, rolls, garden salad. dessert: birthday cake, cheesecake, sugar cream pie, grape salad. hmm. I think I need to get out of my jammies and get busy!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Christmas Breakfast
I have our Christmas breakfast ready to pop in the oven!

1 pound sausage, bacon or ham ( I use sausage)
1 cup grated cheddar cheese ( I used more. alot more)
4 slices white bread ( I use wheat)
6 eggs ( I use 8)
salt & pepper
1 teaspoon dry mustard (I used wet)
2 cups milk ( I used 1 1/2 cups)
Fry sausage into crumbles, drain well. Break 2 slices of bread into small pieces and place in greased 12x8x2 inch casserole dish. Put half the sausage over the bread, then add half the cheese, Repeat layers of bread, sausage and cheese. Mix eggs, salt, pepper, mustard and milk. Pour over casserole ingredients. Refrigerate overnight, bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes.
I never layer it like they say. I don't have the time. My layers: bread. sausage. cheese. eggs.
It's a winner!
Christmas Program #2
Monday, December 21, 2009
A few of the gifts we'll be giving this Christmas....

3 Tablespoons milk
3 Tablespoons cooking oil
2 - 3 drops of vanilla
Stir the dry ingredients in the mug. In separate container, mix egg, milk, oil and vanilla. Pour over the dry ingredients in the mug and mix well. Put your mug into the microwave oven and bake for 2 – 3 minutes on high. (Depending on the wattage of the microwave.) The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don’t be alarmed. Allow to cool at little, and tip out onto plate if desired. Eat!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
"Beware of the Sleep Deprived Mom"

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Early Night
I've been up until at least 2:30am every night this week, and it seems I have not accomplished anything. Tonight, I'm not going to bother starting any projects.

Guess what? This was the BONUS giveaway!! (insert*** confetti) Everyone who left a comment gets a pashmina!! I'll honor your color choice in the original comment, unless you changed your mind, and then it's first come, first served!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Decking the Halls
We've flopped several times between a real tree, artificial, real, artificial... you get the picture. Last year we had a real one at Elizabeth's insistence, and this year she wanted an artificial. We have no idea who this person is running our home. It might not be so bad if she did the dishes, laundry and paid the bills, but she doesn't. She just tells everyone else too. (Sorry. Just needed to vent a wee bit.)
Anyhoo.... Last Friday, Ryan took the big kids to a local tree farm and cut down the fattest tree I have ever seen. They backed the truck up to the porch and rolled the porker off the truck. According to William, they left the perfect tree there.
Saturday I picked up a new tree stand, and Saturday night Ryan squeezed the fat tree through our front door and we attempted to stuff it in the stand. A few choice words, and a chainsaw later, the fat tree was back on the front porch. And again, William reminded us that the perfect tree was still at the farm.
Sunday morning Ryan stopped at the local MARSH grocery store and bought the skinniest tree I've ever seen. William wondered aloud why the perfect tree was still at the farm. Ryan quickly brought it in, easily put it in the stand, and now, the skinny tree is nicely in the front of the window in the living room.
Monday night we grabbed the Christmas tubs out of the storage room and the kids went to town. They had so much fun looking at all their ornaments, talking about each one. Who gave them what, when they made that one... fun to watch. Until they started complaining about the needles poking them, and William reminded us again that the perfect tree is still at the farm.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
What's with the Gangsta?

Isabelle was a donkey. They colored donkey faces last week in Sunday school, someone cut them out and they wore them on their heads with brown fabric costumes. She got to stand next to her friend Olivia. They kept their hands crossed the entire time. Crossing and un-crossing in typical "gangsta style". With not even a hint of a smile!

I'm pretty sure we'll be saving this video for a special occasion!
Winner #2!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Jackson is ONE!

And tonight, this is the sweet boy I rocked to sleep...all grown up!

Jackson has had a very busy month. He learned to walk:
Sleep in his big boy bed,

And last night, he blew kisses to William!
He had so much fun at his party! He did not know what to do with the candle so daddy had to blow it out for him.

He was not to cracked up about his own little cake,

He wanted the cows that were on top of the big cake!

He was delighted with all his gifts. Christmas is going to be so much fun!

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Not only did I get 90% of my Christmas shopping done, I purchased birthday party supplies for our Jackson who will be ONE on Monday.
Now to get the tree up and the cards out!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Favorite Things Day 5

Monday Morning Coffee

Most Monday mornings I meet a few of my friends for coffee, after we drop the kids at school and before we go to work. I cannot thing of a better way to start the week.
The Internet
I love google. I've mentioned that. I love that anytime I want, I can get on the computer and find out what has been nagging at my brain. What time does the movie start? When is my package going to arrive? How do you up cycle socks? How do you make carpet cleaner?
Most of all, I enjoy reading other blogs.
These are a few of my favorites:





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